About Us
Our History

In 2012, Timothy Babweteera landed on a huge book in an Africa Inland Mission [AIM] missionary’s home called Perspectives with several articles in it. Although Timothy was oblivious of the book's content, Seb the AIM missionary lets him borrow it for a few days. In the book with all the fanfare, he only reads one article entitled Apostolic Passion by Floyd McClung. Without a single notice on him or any other person, the journey had begun.

In 2014, Timothy was invited by The Rawlings’ [before they were married] to attend a mission’s course called Kairos at Jomo Kenyatta University, Kenya that they had attended previously. ‘God I want to be a part of what you’re doing around the world’, he prays. He gets into his bible more seriously than ever and finally starts seeing the connections but still doesn’t understand where to begin. He attends several other trainings and reads a wide range of books and it becomes certain to him that if God was about something this was it, ‘His worship among all nations’. He commits his life to the ministry with tremendous backlash.

In 2016, The Rawlings’ [now married], Ivan Agaba and Timothy attended a perspectives course introduction in Rwanda [Mrs Rawlings had done this before in Kenya]. The course introduction leaves serious questions on them, ‘what are we to do with this huge deposit and responsibility given to us’. As they continued to meet together in prayer and fellowship at the Rawlings’ home they grow restless with each passing week, ‘we couldn’t contain the truth of what we knew and the reality of the response of the church’. They decide to attempt to organise the first Kairos course outside of Kampala, they mobilize 50 people and only five complete the course [minimum is supposed to be 15 people]. Not to be deterred by disappointment and discouragement they kept meeting together and believing God to awaken their town [Mbarara] to missions. It becomes strongly apparent to Timothy that they needed an umbrella to push this forward, at the time we didn’t know any other mission agency except AIM which hadn’t built a structure for African missionaries. After long deliberation and prayer we formed The Frontier Mission Team [FMT].

In 2017, Now FMT attempts organising another Kairos course, this time 19 participants complete the course and FMT goes on to mobilize and facilitate two more Kairos courses successfully in that year. Ivan settles among the Karamajong people in Moroto as a bi-vocational missionary. FMT begins engaging with church leaders and other entities to see how they can be involved in the mission endeavour. FMT organises its first discipleship and missions training program and takes five participants to Karamoja for mission exposure. Timothy does three trips among unreached people groups of Samburu in Kenya, Karamajong and IK in Uganda and is completely gripped by the need he sees. While in prayer, God tells him, ‘No one will ever follow, if you never go’

In 2018, In obedience to God’s instruction Timothy wraps up his ministry in his town [Mbarara] and packs his bags and settles among the Karamajong in Moroto with Ivan as FMT’s first missionaries. They are shortly joined by Mark in Moroto and later Lynn, one of the first five people to do Kairos in Mbarara, joins FMT as the first full time mission’s mobilizer. The Rawlings’ continue mobilizing for missions in Mbarara successfully organising several Kairos courses. We begin the process of formalizing The Frontier Mission Team as a mission agency.